
Friday, 17 April 2015

A Girl and Her Polish's Soft Neon Gradient - NCC Recreations

Hey y'all!

It's finally Friday, and that of course brings the next round of Nail Challenge Collaborative posts!  This month we're celebrating 3 years of NCC nail art by recreating past NCC looks.  For my third, I've elected to recreate A Girl and Her Polish's Soft Neon Gradient, a gorgeous look on which I think I missed the mark.

A recreation of A Girl And Her Polish's Soft Neon Gradient nail art.

I did not have any of the same polishes from the original look,which made recreating a bit more challenging than I expected.  In the end I settled for two bright-ish pastels and a neon jelly, and approximated the glitter with part of my Texas haul.

A recreation of A Girl And Her Polish's Soft Neon Gradient nail art.
L-R: Maybelline Clearly Spotted, Sinful Colors Unicorn, Barry M Full Throttle, Models Own My Midori
I think half my battle was lost in just getting my base color laid down properly.  After two coats of OPI Ridge Filling Base Coat, I finally felt like I was ready for the really thin Unicorn, but even that took an additional 3 coats.  By now my nails were already getting thick! 

A recreation of A Girl And Her Polish's Soft Neon Gradient nail art.

I had a lot of problems being able to sponge a decent gradient on, between Full Throttle drying so very very quickly, and My Midori being a sheer neon.  I eventually ended up using the brush to darken up both polishes as thinly as possible.  On the plus side, My Midori smells like watermelon, so that was a small consolation.

A recreation of A Girl And Her Polish's Soft Neon Gradient nail art.

By the time I got Clearly Spotted on and top coated the entire look, I was satisfied that it looked cool, but kind of sad that I had been so far from the delicate original look.  Although I was already wearing many, many coats of polish, the last tool in my arsenal was to try to matte it, so I used Barry M Matte to soften the whole thing.

A recreation of A Girl And Her Polish's Soft Neon Gradient nail art, matte.

It's looks a lot closer but I just have way too much real estate for that bright green polish to overtake the look, so subtle and delicate this recreation was NOT.  Also by the last picture, you can really see the bulk of polish built up on my nails.  I'm marking this as a fail for recreation, but not necessarily an overall fail.  It's just... different.  Like the younger, less sophisticated cousin of the original look.  I'm okay with that.

Be sure to check out the other recreations this week down in the inlinkz!

Hope you all have a safe and fun weekend, and I'll see you tomorrow!