
Saturday, 28 February 2015

Hey, Swatch It! Models Own Colour Chrome Collex, pt 2

Hey y'all!

Happy Saturday!  Today I'm back with the second half of my swatch-a-thon with the Models Own Colour Chrome collection, this time showcasing the green, blue, and purple end of the color spectrum.  To see the first half, check yesterday's post where I showed the silver, pinks, and golds.

As I mentioned yesterday, I began swatching by lining up all 10 shades into a sort of rainbow spectrum and decided to follow that order with the swatches.  Also as with yesterday, all of these pics are the natural finish of the polish, no top coat.  Incidentally, all 5 of today's colors show just one coat.

Today I'm starting with Chrome Olive, a pale yellow-green that almost looks gold until you compare it to Chrome Gold and you can see the greenish tint.  I'm not entirely sure I like this color, but I haven't made up my mind about keeping it or not.

Swatch and review of Models Own Colour Chrome collection, Chrome Olive

I moved on then to Chrome Green, which is a cooler-toned green that applies to the nail much lighter than the bottle would indicate.  To be honest, that made me a little sad because the bottle is such a gorgeous color!

Swatch and review of Models Own Colour Chrome collection, Chrome Green

Chrome Blue is a gorgeous icy blue, just a touch lighter than the bottle suggests.  I think this will look amazing as a stamping polish!

Swatch and review of Models Own Colour Chrome collection, Chrome Blue

The second blue-toned shade is Chrome Indigo, which is a bit brighter and leans more purple than Chrome Blue.  I also think this will look great as a stamper.  I was a bit disappointed that the tone is considerably different from the bottle, and I'm not really sure that I need to keep both Indigo and Blue.

Swatch and review of Models Own Colour Chrome collection, Chrome Indigo

The final shade in this collection is Chrome Mauve. Impressively spot on to the bottle color, I'm of course delighted with it - but as a woman who already owns 3 lavender foil polishes, is a fourth one really necessary?  Its saving grace is being the most pink-hued of the ones I currently own. 

Swatch and review of Models Own Colour Chrome collection, Chrome Mauve

In conclusion, I'm pretty impressed with this collection.  Aside from the fairly consistent brush strokes (which, let's face it, plague any foil-finish polish) and the mildly irritating brush shape issue that I mentioned yesterday, all but one of the Colour Chromes went opaque in a single coat and have great metallic finishes.  I would have loved to see an orange shade, but otherwise Models Own has pretty well spanned the color wheel, and I am looking forward to using these bad boys for some stamping.

I also think I can pretty decisively say that my chrome obsession has been filled at this point, so I can move on to the next big thing - wonder what it will be? 

Hope you're all having a great weekend, and I will see you Monday!