
Tuesday, 6 January 2015

31DC-D6 - Half and Half

Hey y'all!

Hope everyone's transition back to work yesterday wasn't too stressful.  It's Tuesday, which means that tonight I'll hopefully be attending the local camera club meetup and maybe start learning some stuffs (and dare I say it, meeting new people?)  After several hours yesterday playing with my camera settings, I finally managed to get some pics of this gorgeous nail art that I created for the 31DC Day 6 prompt, Half and Half.  I also took pics with my old compact camera, which are at the end of this post so you can compare.

Half-and-half purple nail art.

I decided to work all in purples for this look, because I've had some beauties in my untried that were screaming for me to use them!

L-R: OPI Skating on Thin Iceland, Barry M Persian, OPI I Sing In Color
I started this look by applying two coats of I Sing In Color to my ring finger, and two coats of Skating on Thin Iceland on all other nails.  Once dry, I used office tape to section off the top half of the nail, diagonally, and then added a coat of Persian to the ring finger, and I Sing In Color to all the others.

Half-and-half purple nail art.

Then using a short striping brush, I pulled two lines of each contrasting color over from the corners and I LOVE the effect!

Half-and-half purple nail art.

I could easily have left the look as it was, but I wanted to bling it up a bit, so I added these Swarovski crystals to each corner of the original diagonal line.  You can't really tell but the crystals on my ring finger are AB stones, while the others are all clear.

Half-and-half purple nail art.

As promised, below are the original pics that I took with my point-and-shoot.  You can see that I was definitely able to bring more light in, but I'm still adjusting the settings on the DSLR to get perfect depth of field and focus.  I'm really glad I took the time to experiment with it while I was still wearing this look, because in these pics, you can hardly see the contrast between the colors!

Half-and-half purple nail art. Half-and-half purple nail art. Half-and-half purple nail art.

For more Half and Half looks (and if you're as curious to see how everyone else interpreted this prompt as I am), be sure to check out the inlinkz below.

Hope you're all having a fantastic week, and I'll see ya tomorrow!