
Friday, 23 January 2015

31DC-D23 - White Base

Hey y'all!

Happy Friday!  I've been a bad blogger.  See, I had built up a couple days' worth of buffer on this challenge and this week I've managed to piss them away, so today's nail art was done hastily last night after two days of shopping and binge watching TOWIE, because apparently I *am* a basic B.  To my defense, I can honestly say that I started watching it because I wanted to nail down the accent, so I'm not sure how many more seasons I'll be able to stomach before I become completely allergic to the orange.  ANYWAY... today's prompt for the 31-Day Challenge is White Base, so I fell back on a bit of stamping to create this musical manicure.

Music symbol stamped nail art.

I did take a couple of extra steps to distinguish this from being just a plain black and white look, but unfortunately they've both been pretty wiped out by in the pics.  I started with two coats of Sally Hansen OMGhost on all nails, and then lightly sponged on some bits of Barry M Lychee to make it look a bit more like the yellowed sheet music we were given in HS band to memorize, because my original plan involved a different part of the stamping plate I was using to create actual sheet music.  I decided the notes were all too big for my nails at this length, so I scrapped that plan and decided to use the two jumbled up music symbol images on VL-015. 

Music symbol stamped nail art.

Before stamping with Konad Black, I applied a coat of INM Northern Lights Silver on all of the nails to add some pretty sparkle.  After stamping, I used my COT which normally doesn't smear stamping but did on this look for some weird reason.  *shrug*

Music symbol stamped nail art.

Although it wasn't the look I originally intended, I'm fairly satisfied with this, especially since it was a bit of a rushed effort.  I'm also kind of bummed that the subtle touches that I added just aren't very visible in my photos, but they're fairly subtle IRL too so I shouldn't be too disappointed. 

For more nail art looks using a white base, check out the inlinkz below.

Hope you're all having a fantastic Friday, and I will see you tomorrow!