
Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Pink and Grey skittles - TPTC

Hey y'all!

Can I just tell you guys how grateful I am that this is the last of the pink/grey/brown Tri-Polish Tuesday weeks?  In March we move on to purple/blue/green, and that is SO much more to my liking.  Thankfully VD month coincided with the pink so that gave me a few timely excuses, but man, this was definitely a challenging set of colors!

The concept for this design actually only ended up being represented on one nail - my ring finger - and it came from a pillow pattern that I saw on Pinterest.  Each nail kind of evolved on its own after that, and well... the result is skittlemania!

I elected to completely leave brown out of the equation this week, since I had done a brown/pink combo during the week of VD.  Although there looks like a lot going on, I only actually used a few different polishes.

Back row:
Sally Hansen White On
Sally Girl In Love mini
Belle Glamour Bloodstain
elf Misty Haze
Revlon Milky Way duo
I always forget that the dark grey in that Milky Way duo is almost black on the nail, which was a shame.  It basically necessitated me bringing in the Misty Haze to soften things up on the other nails, and that pretty much is where this went from being a pink and grey mani to being a pink and grey skittles look. 

I started with Milky Way grey on all my nails, and then began making rows of white dots using White On and a large dotting tool.  My little bottle of White On is starting to get gloopy (so I knew it would go opaque over the dark base), but it resulted in the strings you see on the nail.  That's when I realized it would be a perfect time to try the spun sugar technique again, and I am SO MUCH MORE PLEASED with my results this time!  As you can see, those are tiny wispy little strands compared to the big bulky ropes that appeared in my first attempt.

Anyway... once the white dots were placed in rows on my ring finger and randomly on my index and thumb, I went over them with Bloodstain, a hot pink shimmer that matched my inspiration piece pretty well.  Unfortunately after I had already removed this mani, I realized that my inspiration piece was actually pink rings, not circles, so I forgot to go back in and fill the centers with more dark grey.  Oh well. 

I used the two ring studs to carry out the circles theme on the ring finger by placing them over Misty Haze topped with In Love.  Then I carried out the softer grey on the other nails by adding smaller dots on the index and thumb, and creating more spun sugar strands on the pinky.  The only other difference between the index and thumb is that I used In Love to top the thumb, and the flakies from Milky Way to top the index.  As a finishing touch, I added the pink rhinestones on all the nails to try to tie them together a bit more.

You want macros?  I got yer macros RIGHT HERE:





While this is technically the first skittles mani to appear on my blog, it's not the first one that I've created - but I've got that one scheduled for later on, for a Llama Nails challenge prompt, so you'll see it then. 

I hope you have enjoyed the pink, brown, and grey theme this month.  As I said, it's been a bit taxing for me to come up with inspiration, but of course that's part of what makes it a challenge, right?  I am definitely looking forward to bringing you some beautiful looks next month, when the colors are all up in my personal sense of style.  In fact, I believe you'll find a tutorial in there as well, so keep your eyes peeled on Tuesdays in March!

As always, please take a gander at the other pretties created by Crumpet's Nail Tarts, below, and wish me oodles of luck, as my practical driving test is tomorrow and I don't think I've ever been so nervous about something for which I've been practicing for 20 years!  Everyone have a great week and stay safe!


  1. I like this! It's very grungy, but in a pretty way...if that makes sense! I promise, it's a compliment! :D

  2. I love this skittles mani!! I'm also super jealous of that pinky, I have issues creating spun sugar manis although I've only done it once. Maybe that's why!

    1. Well, my last attempt was a total fail, and this time I wasn't even setting out to do it, but my dotting polish went all stringy. Maybe that's the key! Don't TRY to make sugar spun, lol!

  3. So much fun! Love them! I especially love your ring and pinky!

    1. Thank you! I think my pinky is my favorite too :)


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