
Tuesday, 14 January 2014

Tri-Polish Tuesdays - Red, Orange, and Yellow week 2: Firefly/Serenity!

Hey y'all!

So it occurred to me last week during a FB conversation that with January's Tri-Polish challenge theme being red, orange, and yellow, I would be completely remiss not to include a manicure I've been thinking about for a very long time: a tribute to Firefly/Serenity, a la Jayne's hat.  I actually had to exit mid-conversation to work on them.  Sorry, Evin!

In keeping with the spirit of the challenge, I used my three polish colors (same as last week) to create a 3-color gradient on my thumb, index, and pinky.  On my middle and ring fingers, I started with a base of Maybelline Black Out, then used acrylic paints to create the designs.  For a refresher, here are my original three polishes:

When I was looking at these three bottles sitting at my station, I realized they were pretty much identical to the colors in Jayne's very cunning hat:

And also the Serenity logo:

So the intensity began.  I first attempted to do the detailing in the actual nail polish, but found my control was... lacking.  Eventually I made the switch over to my acrylics and I'm so happy with the results.

In macro, of course, the logo looks quite a mess, and of course the kanji is not true to life, but a tiny little representation.  My fine detail skills still aren't up to par for making that entire kanji in a space approximately 5mm tall, so please forgive.  Also, the circles aren't really very circley, but they look a lot better at arm's length!

I hope you enjoy my experiments with acrylic paints.  There are so many talented nail artists out there who use them, and the level of detail is just SO VERY HIGH.  I'm continually impressed by the quality, quantity, and integrity of their work, and hope to continue drawing inspiration from them to create my own designs and hone my painting skills.

I will be back tomorrow with this week's Llama Nails challenge.  Hope you're all having a fabulous week, and please be sure to visit the other Tri-Polish Challenge participants, below.


  1. Love, love, love! I love Firefly, and that hat is just so epic. This is a brilliant idea and so brilliantly executed too!

    1. Thanks for sharing the love! Definitely one of my all-time favorite shows, and I'm glad I could make it into a successful nail art!

  2. These nails are EPIC! Shiny! Favorite show ever and you really did it justice! :)

  3. I love Firefly too. These look great. I love using nail polish for nail art but acrylics are so much easier most of the time.

    1. Agreed. I could've tried to use polish to paint this, but I just feel like in the end it would've all run together, especially the logo "priinting", and smeared when I topcoated. My next task is to actually manage to print the true kanji instead of just sort of dabbing stuff around until it sort of almost looked kind of like it.

    2. Also, thank you! I love it when Browncoats crawl out of the woodwork. :)

  4. Oh WHAT?! See, this is why I like you. *high five Firefly friend* These rock!

    1. Oh HELLO another Browncoat! Yay! Reading all these comments has made my morning. Who knew a tiny little half-season show, cancelled by FOX before it even aired all its episodes, would be so well loved in the nail community?

    2. I know! I'm a bit of a nerd myself, but I'm always excited when I meet others who know good tv :) Now I feel like re-watching it this weekend....

  5. That Jayne hat nail is super sweet :D

    1. Thank you! I was hoping you'd come take a look and that you'd like them. :)


I love reading your comments and reply whenever I have time. Thanks for reading and interacting with me!