
Friday, 22 November 2013

Do You Know Who?

Hey y'all!

So, tomorrow is a pretty highly-anticipated day in geek culture - it's the 50th anniversary of the longest-running sci-fi show, Doctor Who.  I've got a HUGE post tomorrow with some very special nail art to show you, commemorating the series, but today I wanted to show you what's on my OTHER hand, since I wanted a full mani but time and non-dominant-hand-art-skills prevented me from duplicating the look on both hands.  Call it a cheater's mani, if you will.  I don't care.  I'll be wearing these nails all weekend, and then next week I'll get back into my holiday nail art challenge.

I'm also planning on doing an additional nail art challenge in December, courtesy of Crumpet's Nail Tarts, but more on that later.

This is really just intended to be a quick post without a lot of faffing, so here we go.

I mentioned a few posts back about the MJXII stamping plate I got while we were back in the States, and I've pulled that bad boy out again because it's got some great Doctor Who images on it.  This design is a full nail image, and I've done a double-stamping to give the look some depth.

I started with a base of China Glaze Sci-Fly By.  This is an awesome blue holo polish with which I am IN LOVE.  So pretty.  Then I stamped over it in Barry M Gold Foil.  With the same image, I stamped over that using OPI Incognito in Sausalito.

I love this little full nail image, because the characters are all so cute.  You can see a couple of TARDISes and several of the Doctors, although on these nails the only ones obvious are 7, 3, and 9.  You can also make out an Adipose baby, and I think the little Doctor up top of the image on the right is 10.  Also on the plate are numbers 4, 6, and 11, but there's on the corners/sides of the image and I couldn't get them to translate well onto the nail.  Other hidden gems in the image are the Doctor's fob watch and a couple of sonic screwdrivers.  Too cute!

This design was so cute, I couldn't bear to show it off holding a bottle of polish, which seems to be the norm.  I headed to the closet to dig out my "Build Your Own Sonic Screwdriver" kit and assembled the 9-10 era screwdriver.  It lights up 'n makes sounds 'n everything!

I wish I had better lighting conditions to showcase the holo in full sunlight.  Just gorgeous.

Last night we watched An Adventure In Time and Space which was the story of the 1st Doctor and the origin of the show.  It was kinda sad, but a great lead-in to tomorrow night, book-ending the series, as it were.  

Will you be watching?

Be sure to come back tomorrow for a little bit more in-depth Who nail art, as well as links to other great Doctor Who manis from my fellow nail bloggers.